Welcome on pages of our company Softstar s.r.o. We are a small startup company with several interesting international projects in area of telecommunications and embedded development. Our values are good relation and partnership with people, both customers and employees, as well as creative enjoyable work resulting in new innovative products hopefully used in many places around the world. We believe it is important what people think and feel because it results into what they do in the end. We believe freedom and purpose of work give people high efficiency and good morals in what they do.

The key technologies we work with:

– C/C++/C#/Java/Python/bash programming languages and scripts

– OOP, UML, STL, Boost, uIP

– Linux, Windows, FreeRTOS operating systems

– hardware ranging from small chips to bit multicore HP/Dell servers

– versioning systems Git, Mercurial, SVN, SVC, TFS, testing tools Jira, Bugzilla, TestLink, TeamCity, TDD

You can find us at adress: Opletalova 4, Praha 1